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Category: Features

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Kentaji Brown Jackson’s Rise to the Supreme Court

Since Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, President Joe Biden stated that he was devoted to nominating a Black woman to the United States Supreme Court. On February 25, 2022, Biden finally picked his nominee—Kentaji Brown Jackson. After the lengthy process of confirmation hearings, on April 7, 2022, Judge Jackson officially became the first Black woman to be confirmed to the US Supreme Court. Jackson’s addition to the court has officially created a non-white male justice majority for the first time in U.S. history. 

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Spring 2022 Fashion Trends

Yesterday, for the first time this year, I felt spring. The crisp fresh air against my skin, the melodic sounds of birds chirping, and the earthy fragrance of freshly mowed grass. Without hesitation I opened my computer, hopped on Pinterest, and searched up “Spring 2022 Fashion Trends”. Now, I’ve never been one to follow momentary trends, but this year is new. Bold accessories, gorgeous pastels, and the revival of 90’s fashion? This year I feel the difference.

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Paris Hilton’s Call to Action

From a young age, Hilton used partying and drugs as a distraction from bullying at her school in New York. This behavior concerned her parents, Kathy and Rick Hilton, who sent the heiress to multiple “emotional growth schools” for troubled children. In This is Paris, Hilton’s auto-documentary, she recollects how at age 15 she was kidnapped from her bedroom in the middle of the night. Screaming and fighting, she was dragged out of her house by two men—all while her parents watched her. This parent-approved kidnapping was only the beginning of what Paris had to endure at the reform schools she ended up attending. 

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Why Album Covers Matter

Representing a part of your life’s work through a square-shaped visual art piece is an immensely enormous task. Do it right, and your album cover could stand recognizably alongside your music. It could forever be associated with you and your personality, work and career. Do it wrong, however, and it could ruin your entire album.

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How Taylor Swift Reclaimed Her Name – A Deep Dive into the (Taylor’s Version) Re-Recordings

“Essentially, my musical legacy is about to lie in the hands of someone who tried to dismantle it.¨ Taylor Swift is indefinitely one of the most influential pop icons of the 21st century. With eleven albums, thirty-two Grammy nominations, and eleven wins, Swift has truly proved herself to be the artist of the decade. Whether you are the forced radio listener, casual swiftie, or die-hard, screw Jake Gylennhal, give-it-all-up-for-Blondie type of fan, you’ve probably listened to Swift’s popular songs. However, behind Swift’s fame is a dark truth: Swift currently has no rights over her music.

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COVID Conversations with Dr. Dauber: Issue I

“It’s not something I’m opposed to…but please recognize that this is a bigger structural change that would need to go “up the flagpole”, so to speak” . This type of change, he emphasized, would need to be discussed with Ms. Cincotta, the principal at South, as well as Dr. Aderhold, the district superintendent. A change at this level might even require Board of Ed input. Dauber agreed to set up a meeting with Ms. Cincotta, and to help the student council set up a meeting with Dr. Aderhold himself.

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The “Best Theater in New Jersey”

By Olivia Silvester and Saranya Mandapaty, Staff Writers 101 years of establishment, 101 years of history, 101 years of underclassmen traditions. This is the Princeton Garden Theatre.  What better to add to a historical town besides a historical theater? You may have heard of this establishment, and you’ve definitely seen it while walking around Princeton. The Princeton Garden Theatre was […]

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The Stigma Towards Mental Health in Asian Communities

The thoughts and feelings our Asian-American sophomores are displaying are overwhelmingly similar. With all reporting some form of a stigma towards mental health in the Asian community, many North students indicate feeling as though their mental health is not prioritised enough. With this in mind, perhaps there is a larger issue at hand: cultural factors are influencing the way children view their mental health and its importance.