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Category: Covid Diaries

Covid Diaries 0

What I’ll Keep: Family Game Nights

Before the pandemic, getting everyone in my family into one room was nearly impossible. My mom and dad on calls, my sister attending class, and my brother in the basement on his PlayStation meant I rarely had time to see them before dinner. But when we were hit with our first lockdown last year, I found myself spending the most time with my family than I ever had before.

Covid Diaries 0

COVID and Communities of Faith: How the Pandemic Is Affecting Religious Services

In difficult times, many people turn to religion as a source of comfort.  But what happens when that community is forced to disband, even just physically?  The novel coronavirus epidemic has caused many churches, temples, synagogues, and other buildings of worship to shut their physical doors.  But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still worshipping.